


Drilling Waste Disposal-Burial in Oil & Gas Industry

Burial is the most common onshore disposal technique used for disposing of drilling wastes (mud and cuttings). Generally, the solids are buried in the same pit (the reserve pit) used for collection and temporary storage of the drilling wastes mud and cuttings after the liquid is allowed to evaporate. Pit burial is a low-cost, low-tech method that does not require drilling wastes to be transported away from the well site, and, therefore, is very attractive to many operators. Burial is the placement of waste in man-made or natural excavations, such as pits or landfills. Burial may be the most misunderstood or misapplied disposal technique. Simply pushing the walls of the reserve pit over the drilling  cuttings is generally not acceptable. The depth or placement of the burial cell is important. A moisture content limit should be established on the buried drilling cuttings, and the chemical composition should be determined. Onsite pit burial may not be a good choice for dri...