

目前显示的是标签为“drill solids”的博文

Drill Solids Cuttings Separation from Liquid Drilling Mud

Drilling mud is employed to regulate subsurface pressures, lubricate the drilling bit, stabilize the well bore, and carry the drill solid cuttings to the surface, among alternative functions. Drill mud is pumped-up from the surface through the hollow drill string, exits through nozzles within the drilling bit, and returns to the surface through the ring-shaped   area between the drill string and also the walls of the outlet. As the drilling bit grinds rocks into drill cuttings, these drill cuttings become entrained within the mud flow and area unitcarried to the surface. so as to come the mud to the recirculating mud system and to create the drill solids easier to handle, the drill solids  should be separated from the mud. the primary step in separating the drill cuttings from the mud involves current the mixture of mud and drill solids  over vibrating  shale shaker screens referred to as sedimentary rock  shale shakers . The liquid mud passes through the screens and is r