
Drilling Waste Treatment --- Non-landing Technology Application

Episode I  Tarim Oilfield Drilling Waste Treatment Current Situation

Drilling cuttings is the main waste produced during drilling operation, including clay, heavy material, chemical treating agent, waste water, sump oil and drilling cuttings, and the kinds of polymer, heavy metal ion, salt, pitch and other modifying substance is harmful to environment. During drilling, each well generally produces about 800m³ drilling waste fluid, the drilling cuttings has no recovery value, only be piled up at wellsite mud pit, and the environment pollution is caused by hidden dangers. During recent years, Tarim oilfield oil and gas resources developed rapidly. And with the drilling wells quantity continuous increasing, the cumulative drilling waste has been placing a growing hazard to environment pollution. According to statistical data, in year 2009, the Tarim oilfield drilling waste reached to 130,000m³, including drilling cuttings about 50,000. While in year 2010, the drilling waste reached up to 200,000. It gave great burden to the Tarim environmental governance, and there is an urgent need of drilling waste fluid treatment for this oilfield.

1 The current situation in Tarim oilfield drilling waste fluid management
1.1 Drilling waste fluid treatment method and problems
At present, the main methods for management Tarim oilfield drilling waste fluid are Burial, solidification and offsite centralized processing. According to Tarim oilfield well distribution and formation and ground surface condition, the oil and gas wells are most locating at water resources lacking area. The surface water and underground water is in high mineralization, the chloride ion is up to 40000~ 150000 mg /L, mud organization complex, oil & gas resources ares wide and large, oil & gas formation deep, reservoir large, and not centralized. From single well treating method, the treatment cost high, area coverage large, mud pit and leak proof pit construction and maintenance cost high, waste storage time long, waste fluid production capacity high, and the discharged waste water with chloride ion has great harm to the environment. Otherwise, offsite centralized treatment is high in transportation cost with high management cost and high risk to environmental pollution, and the subsidized material is hard to conducting non-harmful treatment. Many methods have been used but still can not reach to target of non-harmful to the environment.

1.2 New technology pilot experiment
Tarim oilfield has launched out a series activities to solve the problems of drilling waste fluid posed to environment. Big capital invested and positive actions launched to search the drilling fluid environmental protection means. The “drilling waste treating non-landing target processing technology” was pilot tested in well YM7-H12 in 2009 and Ha702 in 2010 separately. The testing result shows that the complete equipment can conduct timely, continuous and stable treatment to the drilling waste fluid while drilling. The treated solid waste and fluid waste can reach to national discharge standard and recovery. This technology broke down the traditional drilling waste fluids management, and realized the combination of economic and environmental benefit. It has extensive applicability to kinds of waste mud with significant advantages, which is the new trend in realizing Tarim oilfield drilling waste mud pollution hazard management. 



Mono Screw Pump Working Principle and Apllication

M ono screw pump , also called  sewage pump  or  progressive cavity pump ,  belongs to the rotor type positive displacement pump .   M ono screw pump  is depend ing  on the screw meshing with liner on the discharge and suction cavity to conveying liquid volume change.   It is a kind of method of pressurized screw pump, a main working parts by bushing has a double helix cavity (stator) and the stator cavity and its meshing singlehead screw screw (rotor).   When the input shaft through the universal joint drive making planets revolving around the center of the stator, rotor stator, rotor, vice is continuous mesh form sealed cavity, the seal chamber volume invariably uniform axial movement, the medium from the suction end of deputy to the stator, rotor pressure side, the suction medium sealed cavity through the stator without stirring and destruction. M ono screw pump  is an ideal pump used to feed drilling fluids to decanter centrifuge. Since mud is evenly pushed to pro

Water Based Mud Drilling Cuttings Management

In  geotechnical engineering ,   drilling fluid is used to aid the drilling of  boreholes   into the earth , o ften used while drilling  oil  and  natural gas  wells and on exploration drilling rigs , and  also for much simpler boreholes  like   water wells . Liquid drilling fluid is often called drilling mud. The three main categories of drilling fluids are water-based mud (which can be dispersed and non-dispersed), non-aqueous mud, usually called oil-based mud, and gaseous drilling fluid, in which a wide range of  gases  can be used. The main functions of drilling fluids include :  providing  hydrostatic pressure  to prevent  formation fluids  from entering into the well bore, keeping the  drill bit  cool and clean during drilling, carrying out drill cuttings, and suspending the drill cuttings while drilling is paused and when the drilling assembly is brought in and out of the hole. The drilling fluid used for a particular job is selected to avoid formation damage  and to limi

Oil Based Mud Drilling Cuttings Treating Solutions

  Drilling cuttings treating solutions will depend on the drilling mud characteristics. Oil-based mud is a mud  where the base fluid is a petroleum   product   such as diesel fuel , kerosene, fuel oil, selected crude oil or mineral oil. For OBM ’ s complexity, the drilling cuttings treating solutions will have more strict demands on  the processing  equipment. Oil-based mud are used for many reasons, including increased lubricity, enhanced shale inhibition, and greater cleaning abilities with less viscosity. Oil-based mud   also withstand greater heat without breaking down. The use of oil-based mud has special considerations, including cost, environmental considerations such as disposal of cuttings in an appropriate place, and the exploratory disadvantages of using oil-based mud, especially in wildcat wells. Using an oil-based mud interferes with the geochemical analysis of cuttings and cores and with the determination of  API gravity  because the base fluid cannot be distin